Sunday, October 7, 2007

Top Ten Billion Movies!

I love moving picture shows!

I've invited a few bloggers to join me in my frenzy of adoration for the flickering reflection of our lives, our loves, our mistakes and our yearnings. Kids films, chick films, high dramas, documentaries, comedies, fantasies and horror films are all waiting to be discovered or revisited.

If I've missed you out, it's not because I meant to, it's because I'm extremely short on little grey cells. If you'd like to join, email me at .


Anonymous said...

thanks for the invite! i'd love to join but with bookclub, dotandmars and a million troll duties i have to perform daily i'm afraid it would be too big of a commitment at this stage.

i do, however, look forward to participating as a non-posting commenting reader.

movies move me too sometimes. :)

meva said...

No worries, Dot. If you or Mars ever change your minds, just let me know!